Now, what the heck is Oligospermia? ManSure

Now, what the heck is Oligospermia?


The standardized sperm count in a healthy and fertile man is accounted as 20 million sperm per mL. However, if the sperm count is below this threshold limit, then the situation of Oligospermia arises. This situation is one of the prominent reasons behind male infertility. It can be measured from sperm concentration in the ejaculate.

Causes of Oligospermia

There are many factors that can become the cause behind Oligospermia, such as:

  • Vasectomy
  • Decreased sperm production
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Obesity/ Underweight
  • Stress
  • Smoking
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • Exposure to toxins
  • Malnutrition
  • Sexually transmitted disease


If talking about the treatment, then it would vary by the type, severity, and the complications included. You may have to make some lifestyle changes, such as improving diet, losing or gaining weight, getting rid of smoking or drinking habits, etc. The medications may include Vitamin E, Vitamin C, hormone and antioxidant therapy. Apart from these, you can also use Mansure, which shall help in improving the sperm quality and quantity to a large extent.


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